The Last Crossing

Category: Horse riding, oil painting work


Autumnal ride, the last stream, the final mile

Type Style Base Size Year Price
Oil paint Animalist, forest landscape Canvas 55x55sm (19.6") 2023 ...


The autumn sun was dipping towards the west. An afternoon chill and the cries of migrating birds filled the air. A fine day for a rousing ride and the joyful barking of hounds. The last ford, the dogs squinted, one final sprint — and awaiting us at the lodge was a feast and many a tale.

Сreation story

How the Idea for the Painting Was Born: A Tale Inspired by an Autumnal Stroll

The golden autumn sun slid across the waves of a yellowing field, bathing them in soft, golden hues. A gentle breeze rippled through the tall grass, creating a rustling sound akin to a hushed conversation. I wandered along a path at the edge of the field, bordering a wood, savoring the tranquility of the autumn day, when suddenly the stillness was shattered by the thunder of hooves and the cracking of branches. A flock of birds, startled by the unexpected intrusion, soared into the sky, their wings beating furiously.


The riders, who had dashed past me, left behind a whirlwind of dust and leaves, as well as a sense of magical energy. That moment, like a flash of lightning, illuminated my mind, awakening long-forgotten memories. I recalled a passage from a book I had once read, which described a hunt in the German forests. Scenes from long ago surfaced in my imagination with astonishing vividness.


And then, as if by magic, I was transported on a distant journey to Germany. I found myself once more at the same healing spring where, according to legend, a wounded stag had been cured.


Upon returning home, I immediately took up my brushes. On the canvas, the images of the autumn field, the dashing riders, and their faithful hounds came to life. This painting became for me more than just a picture; it was an embodiment of my memories, emotions, and impressions. It serves as a reminder that even the most ordinary event can be a source of inspiration if we are attentive observers of the world around us.


Do you want a different size for the painting or do you have your own subject?
— You can order any other size of the painting up to 2×2 meters.
— Also, you can commission new artworks with your own subject, featuring you and your favorite animals.

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